VET TO VET – Capacity building in Albania (V2V_AL)
V2V-AL is an Albania country-specific project that aims to increase VET attractiveness and performance through internationalization and mobility, increased responsiveness to labour market needs and skills development, both in IVET and CVET. Despite the key role that VET can play in economic transition, in Albania it remains quite small. V2V-AL project will develop customized and effective internationalization strategies and modernize the offer of vocational institutions through a capacity building process focused on twinning between Albanian and Programme VET providers.
The core of the project, capacity building, will be achieved through a critical number of activities – courses catalogues, job shadowing, staff training, coaching, communities of practices, toolkits – focused on key areas such as internationalization, project design and management, dual system/work-based-learning (WBL), guidance. These activities will spill over throughout VET providers’ managerial, organizational, and didactic performance, benefitting staff, students, and stakeholders.Internationalization and mobility are clear drivers for VET attractiveness and performance; therefore, V2V-AL project will pilot short-term and long-term mobility for students and graduates. V2V-AL will also consolidate achievements through companies’ involvement, networking at different levels, advisory boards and workshop with stakeholders and policy makers, policy recommendations and international conferences.
Overall, V2V-AL project will promote and improve VET internationalization, dual system/WBL, skills development and employability, and contribute to more secured current and future jobs. It will reach directly 129 staff and students, indirectly at least 800 staff members, 11.000 students and 8.000 graduates. Key project outputs – course catalogue, mobility process guidelines, toolbox, communities of practices, policy recommendations – will be freely accessible to potential users in the project platform.
The aim of capacity building activities in the field of VET, as highlighted by the Call, is to support the relevance, accessibility and responsiveness of VET institutions and systems in order to foster sustainable socio-economic growth.
The V2V-WB project, as in the first year of implementation partners developed several useful tools of analysis, among which a checklist questionnaire detecting strengths and weaknesses of the WB schools on 8 key thematic areas. The checklist questionnaire proved to be very useful in the baseline analysis of WB partners, therefore in agreement with all partners the same was submitted to the 2 Albanian VET providers in project designing phase. It consists of 101 multiple-choice questions, focusing on:
1. Internationalization and mobility;
2. Project design and management;
3. Continuous professional development of teachers (CPD);
4. School-companies’ cooperation (dual system);
5. Entrepreneurship;
6. Labour market;
7. Guidance;
8. Recognition of non-formal and informal competencies.
This questionnaire was submitted to the 2 Albanian schools in early February 2022 and was successfully filled-in, positively contributing to this needs analysis and to project design in general.
Project no.: 101092147 — V2V-AL — ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CB-VET
- APRO Formazione
- SEPR, France
- Albanian Skills, Albania
- HOTELERI, Albania
- KAMZA MFC, Albania
- Build Green Group, Albania
- EfVET, Belgium
Start: 31/01/2023 – End: 01/03/2025