VET TO VET_ALBANIA Transnational Meeting

Transnational Meeting of VET to VET Albania hosted by Shkolla Profesionale Kamez is over after the two very intensive days, disscussions, learning and planning sessions with participation of all project partners Apro Formazione, AlbanianSkills, Shkolla e Mesme Profesionale Kamëz, Shkolla Hoteleriturizem, SEPR, Build Green Group and EFVET
Another intensive period of the project will follow with the mobilities of 10 students from each school in Lyon (FR) and Alba (IT)accompanied by their respective teachers.
Then the two proffessional visits of the six persons from the albanian project partners staff will be organised in Lyon (FR) and Alba (IT) during November – December 2023 followed by the Job Shadowing for 10 teachers from the two schools during 2024.
More information in the website and the newsletter already out

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