Professional Development of VET Tutors & Trainers to enhance social inclusion in WBL
The promotion of inclusive education and lifelong learning for students and learners with disabilities and special needs is one of the priority areas set up by the European Disability Strategy 2010-2020. Moreover, in the Bruges Communiqué the EC suggests increasing the possibilities for disadvantaged learners in VET by offering alternative pathways, innovative VET training formats, more Work-Based Learning (WBL) in the main forms present at EU level. Further, The European Agency for the Development of Special Needs Education has published a study on the competences of inclusive teaching in 2015, where 4 main competences are requested: valuing learner diversity; supporting all learners; working with others and continuing professional development. These are competences required and which are by far not reflected in the VET training programmes. Students with special needs and disabilities need, therefore, to have a personal plan of study which includes WBL experience and tailored on them and the enterprises, on the other hand, need to be trained to support the envisaged target group.
VET4ALL represents a reply to the above-mentioned problems as it aims to reach the following objectives:
- Train teachers and staff working with the target group to make WBL or internship experience more fruitful and aimed to future job insertion even in a European context
- Develop flexible pathways which connect the VET formal school curriculum to WBL for students with disabilities/special needs;
- Foster the implementation of ECVET principles and tools and develop an innovative approach to Mobility in order to facilitate access for students with disabilities/special needs;
- Support enterprise trainers/mentors and staff during the WBL/internship experience of students with disabilities/special needs.
Main VET4ALL project expected results are:
- O1-VET4ALL Didactical Guidelines for training VET staff working with students with disabilities/special needs
It is a compact presentation of how didactical process should be organised and implemented when dealing with students with disabilities/special needs; how to support them during the WBL/internship experience even at EU level in Mobility programmes. - O2-VET4ALL Training Curriculum for Training VET staff working with students with disabilities/special needs
It will include a theoretical part and the supply of concrete competences to the target group when dealing with students with disabilities/special needs. - O3-VET4ALL in-company Mentors Vademecum
The main aim is to have a very practical tool to be distributed to Trainers/Mentors in order to support students with disabilities/special needs during their WBL experience. Supported Employment will be the focus of the Vademecum. - O4-VET4ALL Mobility Vademecum for accompanying persons of students with disabilities/special needs
The main aim is to support the accompanying persons, usually teachers not expert in disabilities, and even the EU Enterprises during the mobility and how to implement and develop LOs acquired in an EU context and how to evaluate the students.
These Intellectual Outputs will be connected with Multiplier Events, in order to reach the widest range of target groups and stakeholders possible. In addition to these 4 core Intellectual Outputs, VET4ALL will develop a number of further outputs necessary to achieve the set objectives: website and Dissemination materials; Dissemination Strategy; Quality Management Handbook; Learning/Training Teaching Activities.
VET4ALL is supposed to achieve an extended impact on:
- Direct participants in the project: VET4ALL will provide concrete competences for the targets on how to deal with students with disabilities/special needs during WBL experiences; how to evaluate students during their in-company training; how to foster company motivation to deal with WBL paths for the envisaged target group.
- Partner Organisations: with the project, they will receive an innovative approach for planning and managing flexible WBL experiences both at NA and EU level for the envisaged target with disabilities/special needs;
- Other stakeholders: they are labour market authorities, political decision makers and policy makers on regional, NA and EU level; target group associations/cooperatives for disabled persons and/or with special needs; the labour market organisations; chambers of commerce and social partners.
- Profesionalna gimnaziya po turizam “D-r Vasil Beron” (Bulgaria)
- Centro San Viator (Spain)
- Scoala Profesionala Speciala Samus (Romania)
- Hermes Corporation Ltd (Malta)
- Reattiva – Regione Europa Attiva (Italy)
- EfVET (Belgium)
Start: 01/10/2018 – End: 31/01/2021