VET4EU2 – Final version of the Press Release

The VET4EU2 group ifs formed by 6 European Associations (EfVET, EUproVET, EVBB, EVTA, EUCEN and EURASHE) that have decide to join forces in order to influence the European policies content on Vocational Education and Training issues. VET4EU2 has joint objective of assuring quality in VET and Higher Education.

In 2014 all six associations agreed to work together under one umbrella. The organisations have kept their respective responsibilities and activities, but are seeking for reaching joint objectives as far as possible in assuring quality in VET and parity of esteem of VET in society. Also progression from (H)VET to Higher Education is an important issue. All this in the interest of VET students, companies and the social and economic development in Europe.

The acronym VET4EU2 refers to the 4 networks that are mainly working in secondary VET plus the 2 networks that work primarily in Higher Education.

VET4EU2 reads as “VET for you too”, thus suggesting that VET is a respectable educational route for all. It also refers to the route from VET  to Higher Education, which should be considered as an equal option compared to the route through General (secondary) Education. Using this acronym is also an indication of the strong will to work together on the above issues.

VET4EU2_Press Release 

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