The four European Associations of VET providers (EFVET, EUproVET, EVTA and EVBB) and two associations of Higher Education (EURASHE and EUCEN) work together under the banner of VET4EU2. The European Commission responded enthusiastically to the formation of VET4EU2. In the year 2014, the organisation has acquired the status of permanent interlocutor for the European Commission. The Expert group of EU Associations of VET providers (2 representatives from of each of the 6 Association participate) meets regularly with Unit E 3 of DG- EMPL (Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion) to discuss policy issues, initiatives and contribute to research. Additionally, the experts make suggestions, recommendation and propose various actions to be taken, for example, the VET Skills Week. In partnership with VET4EU2, we commit ourselves to cooperate constructively with the European Commission and help to implement the medium-term deliverables, using the networks to create support at the national and grassroots level. This development has led to the invitation of the Associations to participate in Working Groups and various initiatives with a permanent representation. Most often a single representative is allowed and due to heavy demand, the load is shared among the Associations.
- Position paper on European Union policy after 2020 on Vocational and Educational Training by VET4EU2 (2018)
- VET4EU2 Declaration on the medium-term deliverables of the Riga Conclusions (2015)
- The Barcelona Declaration (July 2014)
- The Frankfurt Declaration (6 October 2012)
- The Brugge Declaration (7 December 2010)
- The Osnabrück Declaration and Paper supporting the Osnabrück Declaration by VET4EU2 (November 2020)