European Business Baccalaureate Diploma EBBD+


EBBD+ is a diploma, which was developed within our previous Comenius project in 2010-2013. This kind of diploma was born because of the objective in many EU Countries, that the whole generation should get upper secondary education either in vocational education and training or in general upper secondary school. In VET this policy has led to challenges, where the level of students’ skills and competences differ greatly. Therefore the diploma is only possible for students in youth education. The working life and the institutions of higher education find it difficult to recruit students, who have vocational qualifications because of the variation in students’ skills and competences. Therefore in many countries it is hard for students which vocational qualifications to be admitted to institutions of higher education in order to continue their studies. The project aims: – The Bruges Communiqué strategic objectives of enhancing the attractiveness of VET to meet labour market needs and also of enhancing creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. – Vocational education and training for better skills growth and job. Rethinking Education’ to increase basic skills levels, promote entrepreneurship and increase foreign languages skills through mobility.

Coordinator: Helsinki Business College Oy

Contact Details: Ms. Kaisa Nuutamo –


1. Helsinki Business College Oy, FI
2. Andrássy György Katolikus Közgazdasági Középiskola, HU
3. International Business College BHAK, 12, AT
4. University of Worcester, UK
5. Stichting ROC Summa College, NL
6. Rudolf-Rempel-Berufskolleg, kaufmännische Schule der Stadt Bielefeld, DE
7. European Business Baccalaureate Diploma (EBBD) e.V.,DE
8. Aalborg Handelsskole, DK
9. Berufsbildende Schule Wirtschaft 1 Ludwigshafen, DE 10.EfVET, NL

Founding Agency: 2014-1-FI01-KA202-000880

Duration: 01.09.2014 – 31.08.2017


Project materials

EBBD Erasmus Brochure

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