NSB No One Stays Behind Final Multiplier Event, hosted by its coordinator EPATV – Escola Profissional Amar Terra Verde, was a success!
More than 130 participants (online and in person) attended this event and were able to share with all project partners the enthusiasm of finalising such relevant project for the VET sector, with a set of innovative and interactive results aimed at Teachers, Students, Mentors and key stakeholders, that harness the use of #STEAM methodology for increasing the quality of the learning and teaching processes.
After the initial technical issues were solved, the event moved on with interesting interventions from speakers and from NSB partners, who talked about the relevance of the project for decreasing the early dropout rates and increase the value and quality of VET, the importance of the STEAM methodology applied to training practices, and presented, one by one, all the results achieved in NSB!
At the end, all participants went home with a clear vision about NSB and how the use of its results can contribute for they training and learning journey, and NSB partners attending the session in person gathered for the last family picture of the day
Now, it is time to wrap up NSB results and have them ready to be shared with the public at NSB website.
NSB Partners would like to thank all participants of this crucial event for the project and its visibility!