Resilience – a key skill for education and job

The Resilience project explores how to help individuals develop their ability to ‘bounce back’ from life’s challenges such as unemployment by using internal and external resources.An online toolbox including positive health promotion approaches and guidelines for identifying students at risk will be developed.

Research has been conducted with training and education institutions, local authorities and community organisations to develop a positive lifelong learning approach to wellbeing using resilience theory. There are benefits in education such as reducing drop outs and for employers such as reducing sickness absence.


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Partners: Blickpunkt Identität, Austria (lead partner); Medizinische Universität Wien, Austri; Listaháskóli Íslands and Mimir-símenntun, Iceland; Norton Radstock College, UK; CSCS, Italy; Folkhälsan, Finland and Greek Academic Network with Impacts and Netunion as external partners.

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