3-H partners meet in the Netherlands, in Leeuwarden
In June we welcomed our international partners in Leeuwarden for the 3-H project (Head-Heart-Hand). This ERASMUS+ project focuses on motivating students after coronation time.
It was an inspiring programme in which JGM serious experiences organised an activating game in the form of an escape room. During this training we got to know each other and we experienced what serious gaming is and how it can be used in education. It contributes to the motivation and presence of students. Serious games as a learning process for students and can be used again for other students.
Ron Arends gave an enlightening workshop on the colour chart. The training Five x EigenWijs starts with an explanation of the five styles, in five different colours. Blue stands for the style of structure and clarity, red for the style of the people-person, green belongs to the style of effective and efficient action, yellow is the style of generosity and appreciation and white is the style of space and overview. Ron Arends is a teacher at the CIOS school at Friesland College in Heerenveen. He lets you experience how the five styles help to improve contact between and with students. Ron Arends’ training made an impression, it is already being requested internationally.
Naomi de Lange, Advisor on personal leadership and Career Coach at Friesland College, organised a LOB walk through the city. An (inter)active walk to get to know each other and the environment better by taking a walk. The walk of life, in which the five career competences are discussed and in which attention is also paid to equality of opportunity and diversity. For each competency, a number of assignments have been designed that give the student insight into his own career process and ask them to look ahead to the future. Attention is given to exchange and reflection in nearly all assignments. That is why you do not only get to know yourself, but also each other better.
Finally, there was plenty of room to get to know each other better and exchange expertise during this two-day meeting. They are looking forward to the follow-up in Finland. The group will meet there again in October.