3D-printing: Final event!

3D-printing: Final event!

3D printing ‘One for all’

Education is changing. Traditional professions are changing through digital techniques. Covid 19 makes loud and clear that we need long distance learning, sharing files, conference calls, digital skills. This is also or maybe especially valid for level 2 students. These changes inspired the 3D Global printing project. International cooperation makes these themes even stronger.

This project is an addition to the traditional classroom, to the traditional curriculum. At the same time in a lifelong learning perspective, teachers also should be aware of the change of their students. That’s why we as teachers need to learn from each other during this project. Together with the use of the 17 SDG’s of the UN and using ECVET principles, we focus on learning outcomes on knowledge, skills and attitude. The international cooperation exits between schools in the USA (Oakton College), Germany (BBS Soltau), Sweden(Teknikum) and the Netherlands. The idea is to use sustainable materials (for example: elephantsgrass) to build a statue together. The European students visited each other during the last two years and worked together on designing, 3D-printing and building the statue with the cubicles. See pictures. Together we developed training manuals for teachers to use in their own curriculum for anybody who would like to start. This cooperation is about to be finalized in a final event where the whole statue is going to be unveiled on the 25th of May in Amsterdam.

For further information or interest in this project, you can contact Nova College Beverwijk.

Visit the YouTube link to learn more HERE.

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