On the 25-26th April 2018, the Regional Apprenticeships Alliances partners met in Nantes (France) to finalize the WPs and discussed on final conference.
The regions toolkit to develop regional apprenticeships alliance is already ready. The toolkit is designed to support effective stakeholder’s engagement through the medium of Regional Apprenticeship Alliance for SMEs. An effective Regional Alliance should be able to change and influence strategy in their region. Ideally the individuals being sought will have a variety of different skill sets and backgrounds. Apart from the compelling strategic rationale for becoming involved in a RAISE Alliance (in terms of benefits for businesses and young apprentices) forming an Alliance can be a powerful way to provide advocacy and support to apprentices and their employers. Individuals in position of influence in the region involved in Alliance actions can open doors, raise the Alliances profile and encourage buy in from others.
Today when SMEs face some big problems related to start up, innovation and growth, they find help in an ever-evolving, well financed and proactive ecosystem of intermediary organisations: chambers of commerce, enterprise support offices in local authorities, regional economic development agencies. The vast majority of these organisations do not currently provide guidance and training to SMEs on the subject of apprenticeships.
The partners represent nine countries: Poland, Spain, France, UK, Ireland, Netherlands and Belgium. Apprenticeship Alliance.eu is co-financed by the EU Erasmus+ Programe
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