“Breathe the future – hybrid education in VET”
At the heart of the hVET project lies a collaborative and innovative educational approach based on a variation of a hybrid teaching model (blend of physical and virtual learning) applicable in the VET sector. The main objective of the hVET project is to prepare VET schools for the new, post-pandemic education by creating, testing and implementing a variation of a hybrid teaching model with a set of tailored tools, resources, materials for VET teachers, trainers, practitioners and students.
1. To create, test and implement a variation of hybrid model in VET schools.
2. To support the effective transition of VET systems to the digital age through provision of innovative teaching and learning solutions.
3. To increase inclusion and accessibility in hybrid setting, paying special attention to individuals from disadvantaged groups (digital exclusion, economic obstacles, rural areas).
4. To encourage innovation, creativity in VET.
5. The development of professional skills for modern VET teachers – boosting students’ engagement in online learning, development of self-motivation in learning.
6. To strengthen cooperation between VET schools and stakeholders across project countries in order to stir innovation and ensure continuity of education regardless of circumstances, promoting flexible learning approaches.
1) Direct target groups (primary target group):
• VET schools in the project countries
• VET teachers, trainers, supervisors, educators
• VET school specialists (psychologists, career counselors)
• VET students (15-19 years old)
• project partners
2) Indirect target groups:
• VET institutes, vocational education centres
• Companies involved in work-based learning
• VET-business partnerships, private and public sector
• Public authorities, bodies governing VET at local, regional, country levels
• Other VET stakeholders
• Associated partners
Project Results:
PR1: Methodology of hybrid teaching in VET schools
PR2: Hybrid teaching – professional certification course for VET teachers
PR3: Competence assessment tool for hybrid VET teacher
PR4: Learning style online test for hybrid VET learners
PR5: Hybrid mystery – educational game for VET students
The consortium:
The consortium is consisted of six (6) partners from five (5) European Countries.
• OIC Poland Foundation (Coordinator, Poland)
(website link: https://arch.oic.lublin.pl/kontakt.html)
(website link: https://www.ipsantarem.pt/
• Progress (Poland)
(website link: https://szkolatrenerow.info/szkola-trenerow-progress-edycja-xiv/?fbclid=IwAR2dpyJkhv3oD9HUXs7d68MFJevAfHp58KA8k1yTZSfL3uSHWCPres8bu24)
• Eurosuccess Consulting ltd (Cyprus)
(website link: https://www.eurosc.eu/)
• Antalya Il Milli Egitim Mudurlugu (Turkey)
(website link: http://antalya.meb.gov.tr/)
• P-consulting (Greece)
(website link: https://www.p-consulting.gr/)