E-motive: resources presentation

E-motive: resources presentation took place in Brussels

emotiveEfVET has organised a Multiplier event on “How to develop transferable competences of higher VET students & teachers” in Brussels.

The aim of activity was to presented to participants a first -hand methodological guidelines and on-line matrix of E-Motive project in order to compare higher VET programmes across Europe. Thanks to this event we had the opportunity to exchanged views about our new resources with CEDEFOP, European Commission DG-EMPL, Chain5, P-consulting and TKNIKA (a Basque Country VET center).

E-motive matrix attend to provide a tool to facilitate the task of finding a suitable partner for mobility. Do you want to know how we selected the students? How did we design the common challenge? How was the work evaluated? How the effort of the students was officially recognised?

You will find the answer to these questions (and much more!) in our methodology, available in our resources section. 

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