Interactive pool of tools for enhancing basic skill and key competences of adults
CECE (Spain)
iPool project main aim is to increase the level of proficiency in those above-mentioned skills among low educated adults from Romania, Poland, Germany, Spain and Italy. To achieve this goal, the project partners established that they will:
- Open educational resources
- Interactive Pool
- Guide to interactive pool
- Dissemination oft the outcomes
The low-skilled adults can be considered as not currently well served in many areas of life just because to fully participate in today’s world it is necessary to be able to use and understand information that is provided via Internet. Lack of sufficient digital skills seriously limits the possibilities in general and opportunities to learn. Deficiencies in basic skills and key competencies could be eliminated if proper methods and tools are used but the problem is that low skilled adults can’t take advantage of many non-formal existing tools for development of their competences because they either don’t know about their existence or are not able to find or use them. Therefore, the project addresses the low skilled people and gives them the tool (together with clear instructions how to use it) that will help them to find other tools and learn about and through them.
Read our first project newsletter here