Gender Equality for practitioners

The first European Minimum Standard of Competencies (EMSC) on Gender Equality for practitioners acting in transition phases is ready!

FORMA.Azione srl (Italy)

After a first phase of study and analysis, in June, during the transnational partners meeting in Sofia, the project partners have discussed the first draft of the EMSC, with Gender Experts coming from different EU countries and the EIGE (European Institute of Gender Equality). Specifically Barbara Limanowska, from EIGE underlined the relevance of the Standard and its usefulness as a practical tool to be implemented in the education-training-labour market chain professionals’ continuous development.

The European Minimum Standard of Competencies (EMSC) is a set of knowledge, skills and behaviours required to combat gender stereotypes and discrimination in education, training and at the workplace. Rather than targeting directly teachers, trainers, employment services professionals and HR managers, for whom the competences have been defined, it is meant to be a tool for the revision of their initial training and continuous professional development.

Such competencies can, in turn, enable professionals to better perform their daily work tasks, moving from the assumption that gender inequalities in the education, training and labour market chain are not only illegal and unfair, but also the result of unprofessional performances by the key actors.

Indeed, by identifying the expected professional competencies, the GET UP project partners intend to underline how these professionals are asked to renew their competence profiles and/or acquire complementary capabilities, which up to now are unconsciously gender-neutral and therefore not able to remove gender stereotypes and discriminations, if not to valorise diversity. The idea behind is that if references to the gender dimension are made explicitly, professionals are brought to consider it and face its implications.

The first draft of the EMSC is ready to be tested, during the piloting phase of the GET UP project, starting at the end of 2017.
If you want to learn more about it and its transferability to other EU countries, join us at the roundtable in the next EfVET conference at Thessaloniki 25-28 October 2017!


The project is financed under  the REC Programme (Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme)

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