IES Francisco Tomás y Valiente presents GARAGELAB project

IES Francisco Tomás y Valiente presents GARAGELAB project among the most recent ones

The centre for vocational training, IES Francisco Tomás y Valiente, found in Pinar del Rey (Madrid) offers a star-of-the-art education. Innovative spaces, such as “the Garage Lab” a space envisioned as a workshop, which was unveiled by the Mayor, Mr. Jose Luis Almeida, an area in which students can collaborate and develop their skills earning how to use modern machines, discovering how to design 3D objects or the use of specific design software.

Thanks to this outstanding global formation, the school collaborates in different projects each year, and is supported by the Orange Foundation. Every project is presented on its website, being the most recent one the collaboration with the Special Education Centre, Princesa Sofia, which has given the students the opportunity to design and create special tools to help the children overcome their difficulties.

Among the most recent ones is GarageLabs, which aims to provide Basic Vocational Training and Second Chance Schools with the necessary training and equipment so that they can develop, through the Fab Lab environment and the maker movement, a proposal for their students that transforms the teaching, learning and personal growth processes, as well as reducing the school dropout rate by improving student motivation and boosting the improvement of their academic results.

For more information, visit the Orange Foundation website at

This project was recently inaugurated. The Mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, attended the Francisco Tomás y Valiente Secondary School on 10 February to present a new GarageLab, a digital innovation space of the Orange Foundation’s training programme that brings digital spaces to Second Chance and Vocational Training schools.

The event was also attended by the CEO of Orange Spain, Jean François Fallacher, Nadia Álvarez Vice-Minister for Educational Organisation, José María Rodríguez Jiménez, Director General of Education of the Community of Madrid, Alberto Serrano, Councillor of the Hortaleza District, Daniel Morales, Director of CSR and the Orange Foundation, and Beatriz Morilla, Director of the Foundation, among others. The Mayor of Madrid stressed the importance of these programmes “which demonstrate the educational excellence we have in Madrid and, in particular, the excellence of the public education offered by this school, which has been selected from among 40 centres”.

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