On June 8 2023, EfVET organised the final multiplier event in Brussels. The project lasted for more two years and focused on basic skills for all through the development and transfer of innovative learning methods for low-skilled adults, including but not limited to vulnerable groups.
It was coordinated by European Media Connection (Romania) and co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. The project partners are the Fundatia Ana Aslan International (Romania), Culti Multi (Greece), SOCIAL YOUTH DEVELOPMENT CIVIL NONPROFIT SOCIETY (Greece), Blickpunkt Identität (Austria), and the EBL Elektronik Bilgi Bilisim ve Mesleki Egitim Hizmetleri Ltd. Sti. (Turkey), TUM AVRUPA KADINLARI KULTUREL ISBIRLIGI VE DAYANISMA DERNEGI (Turkey) as well as the EfVET(Belgium).
The event was held in a personal at the EfVET main office, and welcomed over 30 people to learn about the project’s results.
The EfVET partner introduce Team2Share project then the three intellectual outputs of the project
– Training programme for trainers/teachers/mentors working with low skilled adults, consisting of a training curriculu. App1” which will be based on an innovative methodology “team-oriented learning in interactive working groups” that was developed based on the principle “reproduction of the learning material in its own words deepens the acquired knowledge”.
– Training programme for low skilled adults aiming their Team2Share, consisting of a training curriculum and content developed and included in second app, namely “Android application – Team2Share App2
– Guidelines for Formative Monitoring and Assessment of learning outcomes, consisting in a collection of methods for formative performance monitoring, including numerous methods of performance assessment in various formats, aiming to increase performance motivation through targeted and helpful feedback.
Last but not least, Noelia Cantero (Director EARLALL) concluded the dialogue with a her discussion emphasising the necessity of raising awareness on accessibility and inclusiveness and the importance of reskilling and upskilling employees.
Follow all the news on the website of the project https://team2share.eu/news/ and on the Facebook page.