After a successful experience last year with the e-MOTIVE project , following a structured methodology for international cooperation between VET teachers and students, this academic year, thanks to the support of BBK, Fundación Vital and Kutxa, 11 students from HETEL schools (Maristak Durango, La Salle Berrozpe, Salesianos Deusto, Zulaibar and Egibide) will have the opportunity to work with Dutch students from the VET college ROC Da Vinci.
HETEL (Spain)
In this case, the challenge given by the teachers to the students to solve it is the design of something to reduce the volume of waste.
After a first meeting in November among the teachers to design and plan the challenge, during these 2 next weeks Dutch students have come to the Basque Country to meet the peers in their group.
After the joint presentation of the challenge to the students, these will be working partially on-line partially in person to give a satisfactory answer to the challenge.
The solution given by the students will be presented and evaluated in the Netherlands the week of the 19th of February.
The participants in this international project will develop important skills for companies, such as teamwork, English, intercultural communication, self-learning or self-management, which will help them to be better prepared for their next professional future.