The MAKE IT HAPPEN project, co-funded by Erasmus+ KA220-VET – Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training, is based on a widely shared statement: If access to employment and training for citizens with disabilities remains below average and mobility programmes are no exception.
The MAKE IT HAPPEN project aims to address this situation and propose innovative solutions to promote mobility opportunities among vocational training students (in sheltered and mainstream settings).
The expected impact is to promote and develop inclusive mobility for VET learners with disabilities in the coming years, in order to increase the number of learners with disabilities among VET learners with the opportunity to participate in an experience abroad.
Together with 8 European partners, we are implementing “MAKE IT HAPPEN”, that aims to support mobility operators to enlarge their actions to VET learners with disabilities.
The first result of the project, a Catalogue of Inspiring Practices on Inclusive Mobility, is now available on the website of the project.
The Catalogue collects 10 experiences on inclusive mobility of people with disabilities that gave us inspiration for the designing of a methodology for inclusive mobility of VET students with disabilities to be tested in different countries. The ultimate goal is to create a European network of sending and hosting organisations trained and committed to good practice in inclusive mobility.
This example of good practice can be an inspiration for the sustainability of the project. If the participants of the mobilities to be implemented, both learners and staff, tell their experience to their peers, in their schools and communities, a double effect is generated: on the one hand, the strengths and weaknesses of the project are identified, which allows for readjustments; on the other hand, it encourages other learners, families and schools to participate, expanding the MIH network and promoting the international mobility of learners with disabilities.