No One Stays Behind

No One Stays Behind

NSB is a two-year project (2022 – 2024), coordinated by Escola Profissional Amar Terra Verde (PT), that aims to increase the motivation of learners with disadvantaged backgrounds to learn and to continue being engaged in Vocational Education and Training (VET).

To achieve this purpose, NSB will develop innovative digital tools of practical application aimed at learners, teachers and Mentors, based on STEAM methodology, which will assist them to acquire the required transversal skills, and to transfer knowledge and ensure that essential learning is carried out successfully.

NSB Kick-off Meeting was held at EfVET office between November 23rd and 24th, gathering all six partners from Belgium, Cyprus, Italy, Portugal, Slovenia and Turkey to make an overview of the project and to plan its activities for the next two years. This successful meeting was also an opportunity for partners to know each other and to strengthen relationships, which is crucial for NSB success.

Soon more news will follow about this project and its activities.

For more specific information about NSB and how you can participate on those activities, contact EfVET Team.

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