“Regions providing skills and jobs for a green society” at the #EURegionsWeek2021
During the EU Regions Week 2021, EfVET organised a workshop on “Regions providing skills and jobs for a green society” online on October 13, 2021. The pandemic has brought unprecedented disruption to education and entire generation of future workers. Restriction have encouraged innovative approaches and solutions that could guide the road to a more inclusive recovery. Also, the pandemic has drastically changed Europe’s social and economic fabric. Our way of working, learning, and training is fundamentally changing, and the EU’s Green Deal has put forward new ambitious climate and energy objectives. The goal of our workshop was to see what those challenges mean for companies, local authorities, and regions and the kind of skills needed to benefit from the green recovery.
Iñigo Araiztegui, Director of Internationalisation at TKNIKA (Spain), welcomed the workshop and started with a Slido presentation.
Anita Halasz, Economic Analyst at the EU, DG-EMPL, presented the Effective Active Support to Employment (EASE) recommendation, adopted by the European Commission in April 2021. The EASE recommendation providers guidance to Member States on active labour market policies and how they can use EU funds to support the EASE principles.
Pieter Hoeksttra, Program Manager at CIV and Erna van der Werff at Learninghubfriesland presented the Platform of Vocational Excellence Water, a joint initiative of VET schools and Water industry professionals in Europe to educate VET students to become agile, digitally skilled, and sustainable oriented water sector professionals. The goal of this initiative is to train VET students to become more flexible, and sustainability-oriented water sector professionals.
Paul De Schepper, Lector at KCE – Thomas More Kempen, presented the EEMS4SME project, conducting an open training and innovative digital platform all over Europe for qualified energy managers. The last example showcased was the one from Marisol Martinez García, Director of IES Luces, Principality of Asturias. She presented the school project in the field of circular economy, which aims at developing new skills for teachers and students and encourage creativity and entrepreneurship. IES Luces, being an agricultural vocational training center, develops the cultivation of the spirulina alga (Arthrospira platensis) in photo-bioreactors built for this purpose at the Center and using the slurry from the dairy cattle as a culture medium.
Finally, the closing words by Arja Flinkman, Vice-President of EfVET.