REWIRE partners meeting

On the April 9th and 10th, REWIRE partners gathered in Brno, Czech Republic, for a plenary meeting, hosted by the Masaryk University.

The full agenda included both plenary and group discussions on relevant items under each work package, looking at the challenges encountered in the past months and finding solutions to address them. On the second day, partners followed a set of workshops to exchange on specific items such as quality assurance, concluding the meeting with a KYPO Cyber Range tour.
The REWIRE project has carried out a PESTLE analysis2 (Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal and Environmental) of factors which affect skills shortages, gaps, and mismatches, as well as impact cybersecurity education. Some of the identified challenges have a direct impact on the complexity of cybersecurity education and training and the effective development of the relevant Curricula.

Additionally, the Framework defines the training aims and learning objectives of the program, indicating what participants are expected to gain from completing the training. It also describes the structure of the program, including the number of modules and the topics that will be covered and the sequence in which they will be presented. The total hours of the training program are also specified, along with the time commitment required from participants.

Urša Primec, Project Officer at the EACEA – European Education and Culture Executive Agency, also joined the REWIRE partners in Brno to kick off the meeting with a presentation on key highlights and recommendations from the 2nd technical report, as well as to follow the ongoing discussions.

Last but not least, stay tuned for relevant updates REWIRE activity 


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