REWIRE Project Plenary Meeting in Barcelona, Spain

REWIRE Project Plenary Meeting in Barcelona, Spain

In the scope of the REWIRE Project focusing on providing concrete recommendations and solutions that would lead to the reduction of skill gaps between industry requirements and sectoral training provision, as well as contribute to supporting growth, innovation, and competitiveness in the field of Cybersecurity, EfVET attended a project plenary meeting from 14 to 15 June, hosted by CaixaBank in Barcelona, Spain.

The plenary meeting welcomed 20 partnering organisations from 10 countries: Tecnico Lisboa (Portugal), Technical University of Crete (Greece), Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania), Universitat Ramon Llull Fundacio (Spain), Masaryk University (Czech Republic), Apiroplus Solutions (Greece), TELECOM SudParis (France), LRQA Hellas SA (Greece), BME – Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Hungary), European University Cyprus (Cyprus), Université de Lorraine (France), NRD Cyber Security (Lithuania), Cyprus Certification Company (Cyprus), ReadLab (Greece), CaixaBank (Spain), AMC (Greece), EKT (Lithuania), Brno University of Technology (Slovakia), and EVTA (Belgium) who gathered to discuss the following topics:

On the first day, partners discussed:

1. Update on European Cybersecurity Blueprint T3.6

  • Current stage
  • Remaining issues

2. Presentation on potential collaboration

  • Participation in European Networks and Initiatives

3. Presentation on ongoing deliverable of T5.1

  • CyberABILITY platform
  • Reoccurring deliverables of T5.3 and T5.4
  • Discussion on T5.2 and T5.5

4. Dissemination activities

  • Review and discussion on upcoming dissemination activities
  • Leadership and progress of WP7

5. Presentation of WP4 deliverables

6. Parallel sessions for different profiles

On the second day, partners discussed:

1. The meeting of the Management Board

2. Sessions

  • Ongoing deliverables
  • Work during summer
  • Certification

3. Other REWIRE related topics

Regular meetings will lead to developing new sectorial strategic approaches regarding cybersecurity skills, and supporting better matching between skill needs of the market and skills provided by relevant education and training organisations. EfVET would like to extend utmost gratitude to CaixaBank for hospitality and hard work.

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