The 6th call for Ayudas Dualiza from CaixaBank Dualiza and FPEmpresa selects the 30 most innovative VET projects in the country
The 6th edition of the call for Ayudas Dualiza from CaixaBank Dualiza and the Association of Vocational Training Centres FPEmpresa has selected the 30 most innovative collaboration projects in the country promoted by 47 vocational training centres in collaboration with companies, which will receive a total of 402,759 euros for their development.
Most of these projects, a total of 19, have been presented by individual centres, while the other 11 have been selected in the network category, characterised by the fact that they are the result of the collaboration of several centres from different territories supporting a single idea. These 30 projects will involve a total of 66 collaborating entities and 258 teachers through which the learning of 2,320 students will be improved. Most of the selected schools are state-owned, almost 9 out of 10, while the rest are state-subsidised. When selecting these 30 projects, the evaluation committee has taken into account that they should be innovative, encourage co-participation between centres, have a social impact, diversify the participating agents, establish coordination and communication mechanisms, contemplate sustainability to provide long-term results, be transferable, facilitate the communication of the achievements and seek to have an impact on the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. Regarding this last point, it is worth noting that a majority of projects are committed to impacting on the ODS Quality education, followed by Industry, innovation and infrastructure and, in third place, decent work and economic growth. As for the professional families in which these initiatives will be developed, the majority will be in Mechanical Manufacturing and IT and Communications, followed by Electricity and Electronics and Installation and Maintenance. However, the variety of proposals presented means that 17 of the 26 existing professional families will be represented. The director of CaixaBank Dualiza, Paula San Luis, expressed her satisfaction that “more and more schools are becoming aware of and participating in the Dualiza Call and that this participation is diverse, both in terms of the content of the projects, the sectors chosen, as well as the ownership of the schools themselves”. San Luis added that “this variety allows us to offer a real vision of what VET is, but also of what the Convocation is, where we are committed to collaboration between all the agents of Vocational Training with the aim of improving the learning and employability of students”. For his part, the president of FPEmpresa, Luis García, added that “each of the selected projects is a way of sharing and learning together between companies and VET centres”. The development of projects that can be implemented in real environments is once again the protagonist in this call, embodied in energy audits in educational centres, replicas of cybersecurity environments with attack and defence of infrastructures, construction of test benches, or applications to facilitate the circular economy through the use of car sharing.