The first discussion of the IO1 of the Marketing for Artists (M4As) project in Helsinki

The first discussion of the IO1 of the Marketing for Artists (M4As) project occurred in Helsinki (Finland)

“Marketing for Artists” is a KA2 VET project that aims to analyse the art school curricula in order to integrate some marketing teaching-units into the art subjects with the final aim to allow art students to acquire the needed marketing skills.

Between the 20th and the 22th of June, 2022, the first physical discussion of the IO1 took place in Invalidisäätiö (Finland). The partners of the project are MateraHub Industrie Culturali e Creative (Italy), In Progress (Spain), Liceul de Arte Vizuale Romulus Ladea (Romania), and EfVET (Belgium). 

The objectives of the first IO1 are:

  • a) to do desk research in order to find some best practices among the EU Member States regarding the introduction of marketing and entrepreneurial skills in the VET curricula of Arts
  • b) to prepare a survey regarding some specific questions about the importance of marketing skills to two focus groups
  • c) to write a report regarding the outcomes obtained in the previous task

Before the discussion started, every partner presented its organisation, and the explanation of the outcomes of the tasks done. During the discussion we reached the conclusion that it was really tough to find some best practice regarding marketing skills in VET curricula. Therefore, we found an undeveloped niche where action should be taken. 

Furthermore, we realised that the outcomes from the survey were quite similar between all the partners, because the vast majority of the interviewers answered that the two indispensable skills artists should have is the ability of self-promotion and the use of social media. Last but not least, for the following meeting partners decided to start working in the second PR2 and writing the final report of the IO1.



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