The ID Pro project publishes a guide to make mobilities more inclusive

The ID Pro partnership met in summer to present the final results and ensure the future and the sustainability of the project

The ID Pro partnership, coordinated by Mundus (Spain) and formed by the organisations LEAP Sports (Scotland), CESIE (Italy) and Marta Centre (Latvia), met in July for a final meeting in Zaragoza (Spain). They discussed the future of the project, ensuring its sustainability, and presented the project main results: a guidebook for making mobilities more inclusive and a guide to inclusive communication in mobilities. Both outputs are public and can be downloaded from the project website.

The idea of this project came from the need to establish protocols to carry out prevention, action and monitoring measures to prevent and deal with situations of bullying and violence during mobilities. The European Commission’s Annual Report for 2018 states that there have been 852,940 participants in mobilities within Key Action 1. Although not all of these mobilities belong to young people, the ultimate target group of this project, it can be deduced that a high percentage does belong to young people. This implies that the lack of protocols specifically adapted to mobility projects potentially affects thousands of participants annually. Bullying has terrible consequences for those who suffer it and while local organisations, schools or universities can rely on their policies at the local level, the reality of an international activity is potentially more complex. When youngsters are abroad, the environment they are in is unfamiliar to them, many actors with different views and opinions are involved and they can encounter different legislations and social attitudes than in their own country.

Therefore, to contribute to the reduction of these situations, the main objective of ID Pro is to share good practices and to train community educators to work on prevention before mobility and to develop their competences as youth workers and mobility managers to act during and after mobility against different forms of violence among and towards young people.

After months working together and meeting in person in different Transnational Meetings and Learning Teaching and Training Activities, the partners published a manual for making mobilities more inclusive that includes protocols for prevention action, mediation and/or reconciliation and a guide to inclusive communication in mobilities, which intends to serve as a handbook for how to communicate in a more inclusive way when planning and executing mobilities, educational activities, and youth work. Download the outputs here.



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