Uniser Teacher Week 2023:  Empowering Education Institutions to Shape a Sustainable Internationalisation Strategy 

Uniser Teacher Week 2023:  Empowering Education Institutions to Shape a Sustainable Internationalisation Strategy  

Uniser Teacher Week is a three-day training course about Internationalisation in education that will involve participants from all over Europe. It will explore ways to make it sustainable for an education institution through workshops, interactive activities, field visits and much more.

“Internationalisation is not a purpose in itself. It is a means to prepare students for learning, living and working in an intercultural society and an international labour market.” (NUFFIC, the Dutch organisation for internationalisation in education). How can providing such international preparation to all students be sustainable for an education institution? A question that opens up the discussion to a wide range of meanings that today sustainability acquires when it comes to internationalisation of education. Finding an answer to this question, bringing together all aspects connected with internationalisation and, ultimately, finding the perfect balance among them will be the guiding principles of the 2023 edition of Uniser Teacher Week, a three-day training course about Internationalisation in education.  

The event will take place on 10-11-12 May 2023 in Bologna at Opificio Golinelli, an open ecosystem where educational and professional development, research and technology transfer, venture capital in synergy with business incubation and acceleration, all come together harmoniously. It is the headquarters of Fondazione Golinelli, a philanthropic foundation leading initiatives dealing with education, professional training, research, innovation, business, and culture. 

The Programme  

Among the keynote speakers, we will host Marc Fuster Rabella – Analyst at OECD Directorate for Education and Skills, Alessandro Mele – CEO of Cometa Formazione, Teresa Damásio – CEO of Ensinus Group and Andrea Lombardi – CEO of UNISER, who will open the event. 

For 3 days, our space will turn into a lab where participants will be engaged in workshops and interactive activities focusing on KA1 mobility projects, KA2 partnerships and other Erasmus+ initiatives. The latest trends in learning mobility, technology and sustainability will also be central thanks to the “Teachers Voice” sessions and the workshops to discover Fondazione Golinelli through science experiments, virtual reality and role-playing games. Finally, there will be a dedicated time to visit companies such as Ducati and Granarolo who are leaders in their sectors and are considered local excellences. 

Methodology and Learning Outcomes 

The seminar methodology is based on the active involvement of participants that will enable peer learning and capacity building: participants from 13 countries all over Europe, 6 keynote speeches about excellences in internationalisation, 3 training sessions to learn how to design an Erasmus+ application, 20 breakout sessions and study visits to get inspired and shape a sustainable internationalisation strategy. 

Practical information 

The 3-days draft programme is already online and registration is open until 30th March 2023.  

Uniser Teacher week has been designed to be eligible and fully funded by Erasmus+ KA1. Teachers, trainers, headmasters and any other staff of education organisations are eligible to receive an Erasmus+ KA1 grant covering all the costs including travel, board, lodging and course fee. Other funding solutions, such as national or regional grants, are also eligible.  

For more information or special requests visit the website or contact teacherweek@uniser.net. 

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